Fees Structure

Sr No Particular of the item Propossed years Bed Fees For two BED Course(Rs)
1st Year 2nd Year Total
I. Tuition Fees 42000 42000 84000
II. Annual Charges
1. Admission Fee (in 1st Year) 1100 1100
2. Re-Admission Fee
3. Continuation Fee 140 140
4. Building Fund
5. Repair & replacement of Furniture & Books 275 275 550
6. House Examination 200 200 400
7. Magazine Fund 40 40 80
8. I.Card 30 30 60
9 Medical Fund 40 40 80
10. Student Aid Fund 140 140 280
11. Electricity & water Charges 80 80 160
12. College Badge 60 60
13 Society Fund 30 30 60
14 Sports Fees 60 60 120
15 Cultural Activities Fund 60 60 120
III Monthly Charges Per Month W.S.F 2018 for 2 years For 1st Year For 2nd Year Total
Amaigamated Fund 90/-X24 1080 1080 2160
Lib. Reading Room Fee 60/-X24 720 720 1440
Practical For science & other Sub 75/-X24 720 720 1800
Other Student Activity 75 900 900 1800
Computer Fee 150 1800 1800 3600
Total 460 5400 5400 10800
Grand TOtal (I,II, III) 49510 48490 98000
IV Library Security Refundable After the session 1000 (one time for the course)
University Charges The lavy charges @7% on tuition fee will be charged by the HPU as per existing rules of HPU Examination fee @1400/rs per semester
This Course of fee structure for B.Ed Course shall Further be subject to the conditions that concerned college affiliated to H.P University shall strictly adhereto.

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